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Beau Bamburg, also known as "The Basher," is a legendary figure in the world of freestyle motocross (FMX). With over two decades of experience shredding tracks and landing jaw-dropping tricks, Beau has solidified his place as one of the sport's most respected athletes. His career has seen him compete in countless FMX competitions, including an impressive 15-year streak of X-Games appearances, where he consistently pushed the boundaries of what's possible on two wheels. As a core member of the Nitro Circus family, Beau has toured the globe, captivating audiences with his fearless stunts and electrifying performances.

But Beau's talents don’t end at motocross. Hailing from Gresham, Oregon, he is also an accomplished musician with a passion for guitar. Whether playing in a local band or delivering a powerful rendition of the US National Anthem, Beau's musical prowess has gained him nearly as much recognition as his motocross feats. Known for his charisma both on and off the bike, Beau continues to inspire fans with his dedication to his craft, making him a beloved figure in extreme sports and beyond.



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